bathroom / Decorating

Setting Priorities

Photo by Mark Olson, via House of Turquiose. Look at that awesome dental molding!

It looks like the bathroom remodel will have to wait. At least until this spring. Which is bad for you, because you’ll have to wait a bit for updates about it on the blog, but good for me!

Brentan and I decided that we’re going to take a few trips this winter and early spring, which means less cash to redo the bathroom. It will get done, I just want to make sure that we have the money saved up to do it. So anticipate more pretty inspiration and planning posts, and a little less DIY…


7 thoughts on “Setting Priorities

  1. you can come do our bathrooms! (we hate doing this stuff) we’re painting, tiling and new vanities..looking to do a double sink upstairs..come do it for us! 🙂

      • i have a bunch of samples of everything..and a few different vanities that are options and within budget (we want to replace both upstairs and down) i just need to put it together..trying to figure out what to really do with the half bath and not make it look so fear is any type of color will make it look maybe you can help me sort through samples and match things up?

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